Stereoscape and Coca-Cola worked together on the Coca-Cola Arctic Home Campaign in Finland.
Stereoscape provided 3D holographic projections for several locations in Helsinki to support the
campaign that was already well visible in other media. The novelty value of Stereoscape’s 3D
solutions was a key factor for launching the co-operation.
Watch a video of the installation as above!
Stereoscape provided Coca-Cola with a 3D holographic projection unit (DreamocTM HD2) and developed a 3D animation based on the client’s existing campaign video and other brand materials. The installation locations were sourced with the co-operation of the shopping centre store managers.
Inside the holographic unit, an animated sequence rotated around a real Coca-Cola can. The set-up was completed with an audience metrics system that gave both the shop owners and our client valuable information about the effectiveness and stopping power of the installation.
During the four week campaign period, Coca-Cola sales increased by 20% compared to previous weeks.
An audience metrics sensor that anonymously recognised the gender, age group and time spent in front of the device was attached to the installation for two days.
On one of the days, over 300 people came closer than 50 cm from the unit and observed the animation for an average time of 3.1 seconds.
Ask us for more research results regarding the effectiveness of 3D advertising compared to 2D
Client comments
The Coca-Cola representatives were very satisfied with both the look and feel of the installation and the sales results. More campaigns using our 3D solutions are in the planning phase.
Stereoscape studio